​Olga Kurylenko Tested Positive For Corona Virus Thank Her Fans For Wishes

​Olga Kurylenko Tested Positive For Corona Virus Thank Her Fans For Wishes

​Olga Kurylenko Tested Positive For Corona Virus Thank Her Fans For Wishes

After Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Idris Elba, now James Bond girl Olga Kurylenko has revealed that she has tested positive for the corona-virus and thanked all her fans and friends for sending her wishes.

Olga, best known for James Bond film Quantum of Solace and 2013's sci-fi movie Oblivion, took to Instagram on Sunday to share her diagnosis and thank everyone who sent her wishes and prayers.

She wrote, “Locked up at home after having tested positive for Coronavirus. I've actually been ill for almost a week now. Fever and fatigue are my main symptoms. Take care of yourself and do take this seriously! I am sitting in isolation at home with a diagnosis of Coronavirus. I’ve been sick for almost a week. Temperature and weakness are my main symptoms. Be careful and take it seriously! #coronavirus #coronavirus”

Kurylenko is the latest name from international entertainment industry to have contracted the COVID-19, which was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) last week.

Olga second post read, “Thank you to everyone who has sent me well wishes, I'm overwhelmed with everyone's kindness. I wanted to take this opportunity to answer the most common questions that I've been asked regarding Coronavirus. Why I'm not in hospital? Because hospitals are full and they are only taking patients that are struggling with life, if I understand correctly. I was told that if I get worse to call an ambulance. Where I got tested? In the hospital when an ambulance took me there after I called because my fever was over 39. How did I get tested? They took a swab from my throat. Where did I get coronavirus? Impossible to know. It could be anywhere. I could have touched a taxi handle and gotten it from there. It's on surfaces!”

Olga found success as an actress for her role as Nika Boronina in the film adaptation of the video game Hitman, and then mainstream prominence with the role of Bond girl Camille Montes in the 22nd James Bond film, Quantum of Solace (2008).

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