The Invisible Fight Trailer Is Out

The Invisible Fight Trailer Is Out

The Invisible Fight Trailer Is Out

Kino Lorber drops the trailer for The Invisible Fight, a martial arts comedy made by Rainer Sarnet, about an Estonian guard on the Soviet-Chinese border who, after surviving and watching a deadly attack, decides to become a monk.

The film stars Ursel Tilk, Ester Kuntu, Kaarel Pogga, Indrek Sammul, Taimo Kõrvemaa and more.

USSR-China border, 1973: The young soldier Rafael is on guard duty when the border falls under attack from flying Chinese kung fu warriors, leaving him the sole survivor.

Utterly fascinated by the long-haired martial artists who easily dispatched his fellow guards, all while blasting forbidden Black Sabbath music from their portable radio, Rafael is struck by a revelation: he too wants to be a kung fu warrior.

Looking for mentorship with few options, faith leads Rafael to seek martial arts teachers at one of the unlikeliest places: the local Eastern Orthodox monastery, where monks begin his training. With a skeptical mother, a rival monk, and a budding love interest pulling him in different directions, he finds his journey to unlock the greatest martial art of all – the almighty power of humility – is long and full of kick-ass adventures.

The film is slated for February 23rd, 2024 release.

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