Aakhri Sach Series Review

Aakhri Sach Series Review

Aakhri Sach Series Review

Aakhri Sach - Investigative Thriller with Unexplored Tensions

Director - Robbie Grewal

Star - Tamannaah Bhatia, Abhishek Banerjee, Shivin Narang, Danish Iqbal, Gehna Seth, Nishu Dikshit, Kriti Vij, Sanjiv Chopra

Streaming On - Disney+ Hotstar

Rating – 3

Aakhri Sach, directed by Robbie Grewal and streaming on Disney+ Hotstar, draws inspiration from the tragic Burari incident, presenting an investigative thriller centered around a police officer tasked with probing the suspected suicides of 11 family members. The series, although engrossing at times, falls short of the intensity and urgency seen in recent investigative thrillers on various streaming platforms.

The story unfolds as Anya, played by Tamannaah Bhatia, a dedicated and no-nonsense cop, is assigned to investigate the case of a family's mass suicide. What initially appears as a ritualistic incident takes a disturbing turn as the investigation progresses. Flashbacks provide insights into the Rajawat family dynamics, and suspicions arise around Aman, played by Shivin Narang, Anshika's fiancé.

While the series offers an engrossing viewing experience, it lacks the depth and exploration of tensions that could have elevated it to a more intense level. The potential for significant tension within the police fraternity and the victim's family remains largely untapped. The storytelling, although intriguing, doesn't match the urgency and complexity seen in comparable investigative dramas.

Tamannaah Bhatia's portrayal of the dedicated cop falls short in conveying the emotional vulnerability crucial to the role. The character's weight and entanglement in the crime's complexities are not fully realized in her performance. However, Abhishek Banerjee shines with a remarkable performance filled with remorse and regret, providing authenticity to the narrative.

The supporting characters, particularly the police officers and locals from Old Delhi and Rajasthan, contribute to the series' authenticity. The use of dialects and genuine portrayals enhance the environment in which the story unfolds.

"Aakhri Sach" emerges as a typical police procedural investigative drama, finding effectiveness in certain segments, primarily due to its supporting characters. The series, while drawing from a real-life tragic event, fails to recreate the same level of terror and unease among its audience. It presents an intricate plot that gradually unveils, allowing for a comprehensible grasp of the storyline. However, a desire for a more intense and edgier execution remains unfulfilled.

In conclusion, "Aakhri Sach" is worth watching for its intriguing plot, but viewers expecting a riveting and intense investigative thriller may find certain aspects underdeveloped. The series, with its strengths and shortcomings, provides a decent addition to the genre on Disney+ Hotstar.

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