Netflix Drops Sixty Minutes Trailer

Netflix Drops Sixty Minutes Trailer

Netflix Drops Sixty Minutes Trailer

Netflix drops the trailer for a race-against-the-clock thriller called Sixty Minutes, helmed by Oliver Kienle.

MMA fighter Octavio has one hour to make it to his daughter's birthday party across Berlin or he'll lose custody forever. To reach her in time he turns down an important fight, which puts him in a dangerous position with some even more dangerous people.

Suddenly Octavio isn't only trapped in a ruthless race against time but also a chase through the entire city that pushes him to his limits.

The film stars  Emilio Sakraya, Dennis Mojen, Marie Mouroum, Paul Wollin, Aristo Luis, Morik Heydo, and Florian Schmidtke.

Desperate not to lose custody, a mixed martial arts fighter makes dangerous enemies when he ditches a matchup to race to his daughter's birthday party.

Across Berlin in just one hour – or he risks losing custody forever. In order to get to his beloved daughter's birthday party on time, Octavio not only skips an important fight, but also takes on the betting mafia. A spectacular race against time begins.

The internationally successful actress and stuntwoman Marie Mouroum supports Octavio emotionally and forcefully as Cosima. The clock is ticking.

The screenplay is written by Philip Koch, and co-written by Oliver Kienle. The film starts streaming on Netflix from January 19th, 2024.

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