Team Farrey's Unique Promotional Drive Sets the Tone for a Cheating-Comedy Film Release

Team Farrey's Unique Promotional Drive Sets the Tone for a Cheating-Comedy Film Release

Team Farrey's Unique Promotional Drive Sets the Tone for a Cheating-Comedy Film Release

The promotion for the upcoming film "Farrey" took an innovative turn as the team, including Alizeh, Zeyn Shaw, Sahil Mehta, and Prasanna Bisht, embarked on a quirky and thematic promotional campaign. They were seen touring around in a small, eye-catching mini-yellow van labeled "School Van," aligning perfectly with the film's central theme surrounding a group of school students attempting to cheat in exams.

The promotional drive saw the team arriving in the bright yellow school van, cleverly mirroring the essence of the movie that revolves around students' attempts at cheating.

During their visit to the Radio-city office in Mumbai, the team's choice of attire further accentuated the film's thematic context. Alizeh donned a white outfit complemented with long black shoes, while Prasanna opted for a pink dress. Zeyn and Sahil sported vibrant floral print shirts with colorful pants, perfectly resonating with the lively and youthful essence of the film's narrative.

Directed by Soumendra Padhi, "Farrey" delves into the story of an orphaned girl named Niyati who secures admission into an elite school through a scholarship. However, she gets inadvertently involved in a cheating racket instigated by some of her affluent friends, enticing her into aiding them in cheating during exams through elaborate means.

Apart from the young ensemble, the film also features seasoned actors like Ronit Roy, Juhi Babbar, Saxon Cock, and Lavishka Gupta, adding depth and experience to the storyline.

The film is slated to hit the theatres on November 24.

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